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Electronics- AP-Mock test – 2

Welcome to your Electronics- AP-Mock test - 2

Which of the following is not a semoconductor?

A semiconductor has genergally ............ vaalance electron?

A doped Semiconductor is also known as

Which of the following 14th group element is mnot a semiconductor

A pure semiconductor behaves like an insulator at 0k because

Intrisic semiconductor at room temperature will have, available for conduction:

What is the resistivity of a semiconductor?

which of the material have covalent bond

Which of the following is known as indirect band gap semoconductors

When a pure semiconductor is heated, its resistance .........?

most commonly used semiconductor is .........?

A N type semiconductor results when

A semiconductor has ............. temperature coefficient of resistance.

Why the mobility of free electrons greater than that of holes?

The resistivity of pure silicon is

Energy gap of a semiconductor is

The strength of semiconductor crystal comes from..........?

Which coloumn elements are combined to make compound semiconductors?

A p type semiconductor results when

Advantage of semiconductor devices over vacuum tubes?

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