Germanium and silicon are the two most important semiconductors. A unit cell material has a tetrahedral structure with an atom at each vertex. The crystal structure is illustrated in two dimensions in figure.
Germanium and silicon have four valence electrons. Each atom contributes four valence electrons, and the inner core of germanium (or silicon) atom carries four units of positive charge (+4e). The binding forces between neighboring atoms result from the fact that each of the valence electrons of a germanium (or silicon) atom is shared by one of its nearest neighbors forming covalent bond.
Figure: Crystal structure of germanium in two dimensions
An Intrinsic (or pure) semiconductor behaves as an insulator at a very low temperature (0 K) because no free carrier of electricity is available. As the aperture Increases some of the covalent bonds are broken due to thermal energy and conduction of electricity is possible. The energy E red to break a covalent bond is about 0.72 eV for germanium and 1.1 eV silicon at room temperature. The absence of the electron in a covalent bond in a semiconductor is known as a hole. In figure, a hole is represented by a small circle.
The importance of the hole is that it also serves as a carrier of electricity comparable in effectiveness with the free electron. When a covalent bond is broken resulting to a hole and a free electron, it is relatively easy for a valence electron in a neighboring atom to leave the covalent bond and fill this hole.
Figure: A broken covalent bond resulting to a hole and a free electron in a semiconductor crystal.
The hole may be filled by an electron from another valence bond. The hole thus moves in a direction opposite to that of the electron and we have a mechanism for the conduction of electricity without involving free electrons. The hole behaves like a charge carrier which carries a positive charge equal in magnitude to the electronic charge. Quantum mechanical studies support the behavior of the hole as a free charge carrier.
For an intrinsic semiconductor, the number of holes (p) is equal to the number of free electrons (n).
i.e., $p=n=n_i$
where, ni is the intrinsic concentration.
Extrinsic Semiconductor
If a small percentage of trivalent or pentavalent atoms is added to an intrinsic semiconductor, an extrinsic semiconductor is formed.
If the impurity added is pentavalent, n-type semiconductor is formed. The impurity of atoms replaces some of the germanium or silicon atoms. Four of the five valence electrons will form covalent bonds and the fifth will be unbound and available as a carrier of electric current. The energy required to detach the fifth electron from the pentavalent impurity is 0.01 eV for germanium and 0.05 eV for silicon. As these impurities donate excess negative charge carrier (i.e, electron) they are known as n-type impurities or donors. Phosphorus, antimony, and arsenic are important donors. The donor energy level is 0.01 eV below the conduction band for germanium and for silicon the donor energy level is 0.05 eV below the conduction band.
Addition of a trivalent impurity, e.g., boron, gallium or indium to an intrinsic semiconductor result to a p-type semiconductor. As these impurities have 3 valence electrons only three of the covalent bonds will be filled and a hole is created which can accept electrons. So, these impurities are known as acceptors or p-type impurities. The acceptor energy level is 0.01 eV above the P-valence bond for germanium and 0.05eV above the valence bond for silicon.
Electrical conductivity and current d Current density,
Current density, $J=(n\mu_n+p\mu_p)q\varepsilon=\sigma\varepsilon——-(E1-1)$
n = magnitude of free electron
p = magnitude of hole concentration
$\mu_n$ = mobility of electrons
$\mu_p$ = mobility of holes
q = electronic charge
e = electric field applied
$\sigma$= electrical conductivity.
Law of mass action
Charge density
If $N_D$ is the concentration of the donor atoms $N_A$ that of acceptor atoms, then.
For N-type semiconductor, $N_A=0$
And $n_n>>p_n$( the subscript n representing n-type)
From eq(E1-3)
$$n_n\approx N_D——-(E1-4)$$
From eq(E1-2)
Similarly, for a p-type semiconductor,