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The photo electric effect

The photoelectric effect Experimental facts Heinrich Hertz found out experimentally that, electrons were ejected from metallic surface when light is incident on it. The variation of current versus potential difference, V is given by, There is a stopping potential $V_o$ for which no current flows. As V increases current soon reaches a saturation value. For […]

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Wein’s Displacement Law

Wein’s Displacement Law The law states that the wavelength where the energy density  is maximum. λmax and product of the T is a constant $$λ_{max} T = 0.289 cm^1K$$ To find the maximum of u (v, T) $$frac{du}{dv}=frac{8pi h}{c^3}left[frac{v^3}{e^{displaystylefrac{hnu}{kT}}-1}right]$$ For u to be maximum $frac{du}{dv}=0$ The above equation becomes So, $$3nu^2left(e^frac{hnu}{kT}-1right)=nu^3frac h{kT}e^frac{hnu}{kT}$$ Let $$ frac{hnu}{kT}=frac{hc}{lambda

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